Thursday, January 14, 2010

Check out the new National Day of Prayer Web site at

Thursday, November 26, 2009

From all of us at the National Day of Prayer Task Force, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Monday, November 23, 2009

We are working diligently to roll out the new NDP website next week. We are very excited to migrate our site to a new Flash design with an iPhone app and social site integration. Pray for the team here as we work through the weekend. Blessings!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I encourage you to join us. Last month we had over 10,000 people on the call from coast to coast. It is certainly a powerful time of praise, worship and intercession. Go to for details.
I am delighted to inform you that God is growing the National Day of Prayer in so many ways! The prayer movement is alive and well. We are preparing for a nationwide prayer call tonight with leaders from around the country.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Powerful Time of Prayer

We just concluded the National Prayer Summit on Sunday and it was a powerful time of prayer. Over 400 people traveled from around the country to spend 3 days interceding for America. I was blessed and even overwhelmed by their passion to serve and petition for their neighbors, families and communities. Indeed it was a Solemn Assembly.

The National Day of Prayer Task Force has been uniquely positioned to make a key contribution to transformation efforts in our nation. We know there is tremendous power in corporate prayer.

In 1857, a small gathering of prayer leaders took place on the corner of Fulton and Williams Streets in New York City. Within 18 months over 1 million people took part in what became one of the greatest events in the prayer movement.

Gatherings of corporate repentance and humility before God are part of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. In fact, the President of the United States, since 1789, has called the nation to prayer more than 134 times.

Just as the sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) understood the signs of the times and sought the Lord’s wisdom for the course to take as a nation we as Christian leaders need to call the people back to the foundations of the faith. A Solemn Assembly is needed today more than ever. The cultural landscape is changing dramatically and the negative impact to the family could have generational consequences.

The prophet Joel (850 BC) called the nations to assemble and “return to the Lord your God” (Joel 2:13). Now the National Day of Prayer Task Force is calling for leaders to unite in prayer on behalf of America – seeking transformation and healing (2 Chronicles 7:14) perhaps as the world has never seen.

When the turbulent times of the culture seem insurmountable, there is no greater time to seek the Lord. In 1974, church leaders united in Lausanne, Switzerland and again in 1989, in Manila, Philippines to refocus and realign the evangelical community with the Great Commission.

Today, Mrs. Shirley Dobson and the NDP Task Force are calling the nations leaders to join together across America on Thursday, May 6, to seek God’s intervention For Such a Time as This.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Power of Prayer XIV

If you are praying for an issue in your life, do you just say one prayer about it and move on without giving that request another thought? I doubt it. Your burdens are real to you. You want answers. You want results. So, you are passionate about seeking resolve. When I heard of a brother who had just been laid off from his employment with 3 small children at home, I know that he was praying like he had never prayed before. He was scared, he was vulnerable, he was weak and was right where God needed him to be…dependent on Him for answers. Once we are broken over something, then God can reveal himself and do what we couldn’t do alone. The problem is that when we get what we wanted, we often forget to give Him the glory for the answer. Just as Jesus healed the sick, many did not return to say thank you.

My wife and I have 5 children. With 3 girls and 2 boys, I spend a lot of time in prayer. They keep me in humble petition constantly. In addition to this busy life, my wife has been battling cancer for 12 years. She was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in 1997 and it wasn’t identified until it had spread beyond the Thyroid and into her blood. The cancer metastasized into forms of blood cancer and was also found in her lungs and cervix. The outcome looked hopeless. I began praying like I never prayed before. It is sad that in tragedy we often turn to the one who had been knocking the whole time…a lot like 9/11 was for the nation. To this day, we are still praying, but we have never given up hope. We also recognize that my wife is in a no-lose situation. Either I get to keep her and spend my life on this earth with her, or, she gets to go start eternity earlier than I with the Father. That has really been my attitude through this. Actually, my prayer began to change as I started spending more time with the Father. Scriptures say that we have not because we ask not, but when we ask, we ask outside of God’s will…far too often. So, we have to learn how to pray in God’s will. What does He want in every difficult situation? The only way to know the answer to that is to spend time with Him. My prayer changed from just seeking the physical healing of my wife to asking God for His help to raise a family that is honoring to him…a family that can pass a legacy of faith…a family that can be a light to the many generations to come from my five children. I now desire from the Lord that He would enable my wife and I to set a new standard in our family heritage. We did not inherit a legacy of faith, but I want more than ever to pass a baton to my children that will become a standing stone for them and for their children (Deuteronomy 6/11 and Psalm 78). Now I believe that we have matured in our relationship with the Lord through this cancer and for that I am grateful. The Scriptures say we will endure hardships – Acts 14:22, II Timothy 2:3/ 4:5, John 16:33, Hebrews 11:35-38/ 12:7. Does that mean that God turns a deaf ear to petitions through prayer? Absolutely not! God allows us to go through trials to bring us closer to Him…to refine us. If you are praying for a neighbor, a friend, a child or even a stranger, the Lord will guide you in your intercessory prayer to better channel the power of the Holy Spirit on the areas that really need His intervention. Sometimes the need is crystal clear, but often there are other deep-rooted issues that need to be addressed by the great physician. We often focus on the pain and not on the issue causing the pain. This is where God does His greatest work in both the person praying and the individual being prayed for. When Moses prayed for Israel, I believe that God was working on him as much as He was working on Israel.

At the National Day of Prayer Task Force, I truly believe that God hears the prayers of His people and stays His holy hand of judgment even if it means diminished punishment in contrast to what we know we deserve. II Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

God hears His people and responds. Here is the kicker. You may not see the answer to your prayer in your lifetime. Abraham was around 100 years old before he received his first child when he was promised descendants that would number the stars. The prophets declared the coming of the Messiah and did not see him with their own eyes. Remember, God is not limited to time and space. He hears your every word and knows the right time to respond. You have to be diligent to stay in the fight. Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17/ Psalm 72:15).

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)