Monday, October 19, 2009

Powerful Time of Prayer

We just concluded the National Prayer Summit on Sunday and it was a powerful time of prayer. Over 400 people traveled from around the country to spend 3 days interceding for America. I was blessed and even overwhelmed by their passion to serve and petition for their neighbors, families and communities. Indeed it was a Solemn Assembly.

The National Day of Prayer Task Force has been uniquely positioned to make a key contribution to transformation efforts in our nation. We know there is tremendous power in corporate prayer.

In 1857, a small gathering of prayer leaders took place on the corner of Fulton and Williams Streets in New York City. Within 18 months over 1 million people took part in what became one of the greatest events in the prayer movement.

Gatherings of corporate repentance and humility before God are part of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. In fact, the President of the United States, since 1789, has called the nation to prayer more than 134 times.

Just as the sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) understood the signs of the times and sought the Lord’s wisdom for the course to take as a nation we as Christian leaders need to call the people back to the foundations of the faith. A Solemn Assembly is needed today more than ever. The cultural landscape is changing dramatically and the negative impact to the family could have generational consequences.

The prophet Joel (850 BC) called the nations to assemble and “return to the Lord your God” (Joel 2:13). Now the National Day of Prayer Task Force is calling for leaders to unite in prayer on behalf of America – seeking transformation and healing (2 Chronicles 7:14) perhaps as the world has never seen.

When the turbulent times of the culture seem insurmountable, there is no greater time to seek the Lord. In 1974, church leaders united in Lausanne, Switzerland and again in 1989, in Manila, Philippines to refocus and realign the evangelical community with the Great Commission.

Today, Mrs. Shirley Dobson and the NDP Task Force are calling the nations leaders to join together across America on Thursday, May 6, to seek God’s intervention For Such a Time as This.